AS: cmon dude we got session to start stop being cringe and get moving
AS: i wanna speedrun this shit dude
AS: dude im on xgamez mode
AS: my turn
AS: cmon cmon cmon
AS: it’s loading....
-- starcrossedLeviathan [SL] began trolling makarovDelta [MD] --SL: hello hUman isla iT has now come To mY aTTenTion ThaT YoU are a hUman ThaT can kelp me oUT of This liTTle whale
SL: siTUaTion im in iTs a liTTle sTickY
SL: so whaT do YoU saY will YoU kelp me
MD: Hello?
MD: I set my account to private, how’d you message me?
MD: Listen I know you might be a fan but I’d appreciate it if you respected my boundaries, I don’t know you and you don’t honestly know me, and I need you to know this
SL: This reelY is The firsT Time someone hasnT recognized me immediaTelY wow okaY i can definiTelY work wiTh This i can reelY work well wiTh This
SL: YoU know if YoU ever had a momenT of Time YoU were ever free we cod go on a nice vacaTion and i cod show YoU some Troll roYalTY
SL: if YoU caTch The kelp im casTing oUT There
SL: =)
MD: What the fuck
MD: Do you not know who I am?
MD: Also troll? Is that what they call tumblr users now?
SL: i donT know whaT TUmblr is bUT i know YoU bUT onlY kind of
SL: is TUmblr some sorT of hUman delicacY? iT does inTeresT me To learn aboUT new Things ive never reelY goT To see mUch do YoU Think iTs somefin poor Trolls woUld have becaUse Then i woUld be reelY reelY inTeresTed
SL: like Troll coffee
SL: do YoU have hUman coffee? is ThaT a fin hUmans carrY
MD: Oh yeah we have coffee, we have a few different kinds actually usually take mine black but it’s really up in the air some days, you?
SL: ive never had a hUman coffee iT looks odd and iTs black i ThoUghT iT was sUpposed To be green i UsUallY Take mine green
MD: Like matcha? I can get behind that, human coffee is usually different shades of brown, sometimes tea can be different colours its like leaf coffee
SL: hm This is verY inTeresTing i did noT know hUmans were capable of so mUch TechnologY
MD: Wait till I tell you about the godamn cyber truck
SL: a who
MD: it’s basically supposed to be this high tech mode of transportation made by this big rich guy, it’s a triangle dude literally a triangle
SL: i will noTe ThaT down
SL: Triangle TransporTaTion ThaT is qUiTe a discoverY
SL: one daY i will hope To ride in a Triangle TransporTaTion in order To fUllY experience whaT iT woUld be like To be a hUman living on earTh
SL: Thank YoU for This enlighTening experience
SL: YoU know i sTill casT oUT ThaT offer if YoUd like To biTe on mY sTring
SL: =)
SL: a liTTle biT of acqUainTance via relaTions woUld be a verY fin place To sTarT
MD: That sounds cool, ever heard of a hooters?
SL: a hooTer? isnT ThaT some sorT of noise
MD: Oh my god, no it’s great they have terrible food but like the waitresses are super hot and have big boobs, ergo “hooters” is more of an expression advertising the women who typically work in the establishment
SL: i woUld definiTelY woop a “hooTer” noise!
MD: You’re funny i like you
MD: You’re my friend now
SL: okay
SL: =)
MD: I’m going to warn you I am verbally abusive
MD: I don’t mean it usually
MD: Usually
MD: So sorry in advance
SL: i do noT mind a liTTle biT of forwardness in a relaTionship
SL: however i will remind YoU ThaT mY qUadranTs are qUiTe filled in The piTch qUarTer
SL: acTUallY ThaT does remind me of mY original plans To speak wiTh YoU hUman isla even ThoUgh we did manage To geT off Topic
MD: You can just call me Isla
SL: okaY hUman isla!
SL: YoU sea i am in a predicamenT wiTh some of mY oTher aqUainTances
SL: fronds if YoU woUld like To geT a liTTle more specific
SL: i need YoUr kelp in facT i need The kelp from all of YoUr fronds YoU have especiallY since The loT of YoU are qUiTe adorable bUT alas mY qUadranTs woUld be Too fUll To have all of YoU
SL: =(
MD: I don’t know what a quadrant is
MD: Also I literally collect teeth in a jar
MD: Dont call me adorable
MD: Uh, please?
SL: i will Think of oTher adjecTives ThaT are more sUiTing if iTs whaT YoU please
SL: anYwaves i need kelp
SL: all of Us need anY kelp we can geT in facT
MD: Sorry dude, I live in New York there isn’t a lot of kelp for a while
SL: whaT
SL: whaTever do YoU know The game YoUre plaYing?
MD: Uh yeah, Sburb right?
SL: i wenT Through ThaT Too in facT all of my Team did and iT was an absolUTe clUsTerfUck
SL: a shiTshow if YoU will
SL: were Trapped and weve been Trapped for daYs and were rUnning oUT of Time
SL: i donT know how i donT UndersTand whY buT i can conTacT YoU and YoUr fronds and i know iTs desTinY and i know iTs faTe ThaT YoU kelp us and in reTUrn i can get YoU ThroUgh This game
SL: desTinY and faTe are big words YoU know and TheY mean a loT To me
SL: iT feels like faTe ThaT i goT To speak To YoU a beaUTifUl hUman
SL: =)
MD: Pushin it close with that one there bud
MD: Anyways, how can I do anything about it?
SL: geT ThroUgh The game wiTh oUr kelp and save Us please
SL: and i donT know how or if iT cod happen bUT donT leT konrak geT near YoU
SL: jUsT TrUsT me on ThaT mY love
MD: No
MD: Konrak? Is that like a disease or some shit
SL: shes mY verY sexY fishmesis
SL: =)
MD: Was she the one who normalized abuse to you?
SL: Yes bUT shes sUpposed to do ThaT
MD: Honey no
MD: That’s not healthy
SL: jUsT lisTen okaY we donT need to debaiT aboaT mY relaTionships here im alreadY working on iT iTs a roUgh sUbjecT
SL: follow mY insTrUctions and we shoUld be okaY
Page 11. Act 2.
btw me and the team definitely know how computers work and definitely were not randomly saying words to sound smart
- teeth, 2023